Interview by Eddie Morales

Online Magazine



When first began in 2002, its original intention was to bring to light those martial artists who have been dedicated throughout the years.  Time after time I have seen so many articles in different publications and noticed that for whatever reason the instructor of the interviewed subject, rarely if ever gets the name mention or notoriety that was well earned and deserved.  This is not to imply that fame is what they seek but rather a statement of observation.


In my opinion these gifted human beings are more interested in dedicating their lives to the perfection of the art, which they embody, and the sincere development of their students. 


To begin this story I would like to go back to the year 1996.  At this time, I along with three other instructors were teaching a two-week long 80 hour defensive tactics instructor course for the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department.  In attendance were representatives of various police agencies throughout California.  Prior to the beginning of the course we made a collective decision to teach ground fighting as it applied to law enforcement.  Ground fighting was a new element that was made popular by the Gracie “Jiu Jitsu” Family and the Ultimate Fighting Championship, which began airing on television in the early 1990’s.  A decision was made and now we needed an instructor that specialized in this field of expertise. 


One of the instructors in attendance, Bobby Hawkins said that he had a friend that would be interested in teaching the ground-fighting portion of this course.  The instructor’s staff spoke and came to an agreement. That evening Bobby called him on the phone and asked him if he would teach.  The next day a judo instructor by the name of Sensei Jaime Vasquez showed up at the course location.  Sensei Vasquez seemed like a humble and knowledgeable person as we asked him question after question, referenced his background in ground fighting, martial arts and technique.  At no time did he seem bothered by our questions and had complete and thorough answers to anything asked.


He then introduced himself to the class and began teaching.  We all watched as he flowed from one technique to the other with flawless motion and detailed explanation. We knew we had made the correct decision.  Everyone from instructors to students in attendance listened quietly as Sensei Vasquez spoke.   We all listened and learned with intense focus on every word and movement he demonstrated. 


At the end of the meeting with Sensei Vasquez I would conclude that the course was a success with a lot of credit going to Sensei Vasquez who continued to teach for the Sheriff’s Department for many years after. 


Ten years later, on Friday June 2, 2006 at about 6:30p.m I visited the Redlands Training Center where Sensei Vasquez currently teaches.  When I arrived I was greeted by one of Sensei Vasquez’s black belt students Sensei David Sanchez.  Mr. Sanchez welcomed me and showed me around the training center explaining all the various classes that are taught.  The front door has the words “Fighters Only” which brought to mind visions of a tattooed martial arts killer teaching with a bad attitude and dozen of scars on visible locations. On the contrary, both Sensei Vasquez and Sensei Sanchez are complete gentlemen who can back up what they say and teach a reality-based method of combat.


Upon entering the school I immediately noticed different replica knives and firearms made of hard plastic that are used for reality training purposes. 


Moments later Sensei Vasquez arrived.  The purpose of our meeting was to take photographs for this article since all questions and answers were completed at an earlier date.  Sensei Vasquez and Sensei Sanchez put their uniforms on and demonstrated before I took the initial photographs. Sensei Vasquez explained the method he was teaching to law enforcement officers and why it was practical to teach in this manner.  He demonstrated technique and explained its use in detail.




He explained that he developed this method and technique with his partner from their company, Contact Solutions, Marc Scott who is also the North American Representative for Shooto.   


Sensei Jaime Vasquez is an individual that the staff and I here at are proud to bring to our readers.  My staff and I are happy to introduce this instructor to you and hope you enjoy his story.

The following is the interview: 



1) MARTIALFORCE: At what age did you start and in what art? 

 I started idolizing my oldest brother Ernie when I was very young, about 4 years old. At that time three of my brothers and my sister had all been fighting in Judo tournaments for at least ten years. So I thought it was about time I started. It took a few more years until I began taking Judo lessons.



2) MARTIALFORCE:  What motivated your interest in Martial Arts? 

When I was 4 years old, two men came to our house knocking on the door asking for my brother Ernie. As my brother went outside with them I went to the front window. Looking out I was amazed to see these men start fighting with my brother, and what was more amazing was that was my brother beat them both. It was then that I thought to myself, I want to do that!



3) MARTIALFORCE:  Who is your current instructor?

Right now I don’t have an instructor though I try to train with whomever I can despite my schedule. It is difficult. I just spent a week with Rorion Gracie and I try to get out to Erik Paulson’s club whenever I can. For most of my life my instructor has been my older brother Ernie, though he doesn’t get to work out as much any more.



4) MARTIALFORCE:  How many years have you been training?  

I have been training consistently for the past 27 years.



5) MARTIALFORCE:  Do you emphasize Street or Sport?

I mainly teach Mixed Martial Arts because it is most easily transitional to either one.



6) MARTIALFORCE:  What and where do you teach?

I have a training company called Contact Solutions ( that specializes in defensive tactics for military and law enforcement; we have developed programs for numerous law enforcement agencies and military units both in the U.S. and Europe. We have been very successful with our Defense Against an Armed Assailant Program.



7) MARTIALFORCE:  Who influenced you the most?

The man who had the most influence on me as an adult is Ken Karmann.  He is the greatest Judo man I have ever known, real old school. He is the kind of guy that thought any disagreement could be settled with two words, ”let’s fight”. He died in my arms on March 14, 2000. That day I quit Judo.



8) MARTIALFORCE:  Are you open to other styles of training?

Definitely! I have studied and made rank in several different styles of Martial Arts. I am currently doing a lot of full contact stick and knife stuff where I try to be a complete fighter and that means looking at everything to find whatever works and adopting it. This also includes firearms and firearms tactics because let’s face it, we don’t live in paradise and sometimes fighting with you fist isn’t always the right choice for the threat in front of you.



9) MARTIALFORCE:  How do you feel about tournament competition and do you recommend it?

I think competition is great for you as long as you have the right mindset, which is to believe that you have to win and giving up is not an option. If you feel that it is OK to give up and concede to the better fighter, than you will not survive a fight on the street with a dedicated attacker. It is never OK to concede or give up. If you have to lose it better make you so mad that you can’t wait to get back to the dojo and train harder to make sure you win next time. Mindset is everything. If you have it then you can be successful in the street or the cage.



10) MARTIALFORCE:  What ranks do you hold?

I have a Yondan in Judo and Sandan in both Aikido and Jujitsu. They are the only official ranks I have through any associations.



11) MARTIALFORCE:  What advice do you have for someone wanting to start training in the Martial Arts?

Like the Nike ad says, “Just Do it.”



12) MARTIALFORCE:  If you could go back in time, what would you change in your training history?

I would spend more time training with Ken Karmann he had forgotten more than most of us will ever learn.



13) MARTIALFORCE: What do you think about Mixed Martial Arts Competition?        

 I think it is great and it shows us if what we are training in really works. I have been a big supporter of mixed martial arts fighting since its inception. I have trained a lot of fighters for mixed martial arts fights, fought in mixed martial arts and have been a judge for King Of The Cage for almost 10 years.


Threats from an Armed Assailant...


To the front, on or off the body.


Attack - Weapon is presented to the front of the body at arms length or touching the body.


Defense – Defender neutralizes the threat by redirecting and controlling the weapon hand of the attacker by coming down on the on the wrist (barrel in case of long gun) of the attacker with a baseball bat grip.


Defender then pulls down violently on the attackers arm and delivers a head butt to the attackers face.


Defender then establishes control of the attackers arm by locking the shoulder into the A-frame position.


Once control is established, Defender then attacks the attacker by wrapping the Attackers arm and delivering knee and elbow strikes until the Attacker is no longer capable of further attack.


















Jaime C. Vasquez

1204 Holly Lane

Calimesa, Ca

( 951 ) 897 - 1194



2005-current San Manuel Tribal Police Department - Investigator/Training Specialist

Assigned to Training Division instructing courses in

Taser - Pepper Ball - OC - Firearms - Patrol Tactics, etc...

Lead Trainer in charge of training for specialized division, M.E.T.

Handgun - Shotgun - Taser - Pepper Ball - Defensive Tactics

Concealed Carry - Use of Force - Tactical Communications

Defense Against an Armed Assailant - Knife Fighting

2002 - current Contact Solutions

Owner/Director of Training Charged with developing and implementing force option training programs for Law Enforcement and Military. Clients around the world include Hawaii, Minnesota, New York, Calif., Poland, Czech Republic, France, and Germany.


2002 - current Front Sight Firearms Training Institute - Director of Defensive Tactics

Developed Defensive Tactics program consisting of 7 classes

Charged with interviewing, hiring, and training all staff involved with program Oversee staff of 15 instructors

 Maintain liaison between department heads, Operations Manager, and company President

            Make sure all state safety, labor, and discrimination policies and laws

            are followed by staff.

Oversee class instruction and act as “quality assurance/quality control”.

1998-2002 San Bernardino Sheriffs Dept. - Training Specialist

Charged with developing and implementing, and teaching all aspects of Law Enforcement including Defensive tactics and Firearms.

Unified training for all divisions of the Department such as; Basic Academy, Reserve Academy, SWAT, regular use of force, Citizens Academy, Advanced Office Training, Officer Survival and FTO programs.

Developed simplified Defensive Tactics program adopted by Department to increase Officer Retention of basic Techniques.


1996-1998 Los Angeles Police Dept. - Assigned to Arrest and Control Division

Instructed Department Defensive Tactics instructors in Control Holds, Baton, Ground Fighting, Weapon Retention, Combatives, and Defense Against an Armed Assailant.


1990-current Security Officers Training Academy - Police Science


Developed, implemented, and/or instructed programs in Firearms, Defensive Tactics, Baton, Report Writing, Tactical Communication, CPR/first aid, Loss prevention, Radio Communication, Emergency Management, and Interview/Interrogation.



            Martial Arts


            Judo 4th degree Black Belt

            Jujitsu 3rd degree Black Belt

            Aikido 3rd degree Black Belt

            Kickboxing 20yrs experience

Trained extensively in various styles of Filipino stick and knife fighting with emphasis on Lameco Escrima and Kali Illistrisimo

2006-current Redlands Training Center     Redlands, Ca

Owner, Head Instructor  Judo/Jujitsu/Aikido/Kickboxing/MMA/Stick and Knife

2005-current  So. Calif.  Amateur Pankration League Referee

2002-current  University of California at Riverside   Riverside, Ca.

Instructor University Recreation Center No-Gi Grappling, Kickboxing, MMA

1996-current King of the Cage Ringside judge for mixed martial arts fighting events.

1988-current San Bernardino Judo Club   San Bernardino, Ca.

            Owner/Head Instructor Judo/Jujitsu/Aikido/Kickboxing/Stick and knife.

Have competed extensively throughout the U.S. in Judo, Jujitsu, Kickboxing, and MMA.


Instructor Certifications 

San Bernardino Sheriffs Dept. 80 Hour Firearms Instructor School, Handgun-Shotgun-Rifle

Police Training Consultants, 32 Hour Firearms Instructor School, Handgun-Shotgun-Rifle

Front Sight Firearms Training Institute Instructor, Handgun

Front Sight Firearms Training Institute Instructor, Shotgun

            Glock 24 Hour Instructor, Pistol

            NRA 24Hour Instructor, Pistol

            JayCor Pepper Ball Instructor

            Gracie GRAPLE Instructor

            San Bernardino Sheriffs Dept. 80 Hour Defensive Tactics Instructor

            Krav Maga combatives Instructor

            Krav Maga Edged Weapon Defense Instructor

            Controlled Force Advanced Instructor

National Law Enforcement Training Ctr. Lateral Vascular Neck Restraint, Trainer, Advanced Trainer, ACCT Trainer

            Monadnock/SBSO Baton Instructor

            San Bernardino Sheriffs Dept. CPR/First Aid

Armor Holdings/Defense Technologies, OC/Tear Gas, Duty Aerosols, Crowd Management, Distraction Devices, Less Lethal Devices

            Surefire Low-Light Instructor

            Taser Instructor


Relevant Certificates

            Lethal Force Institute - Officer Survival

Lethal Force Institute - ISD Intermediate Firearms

            Glock Armorer

            Front Sight- Defensive Handgun,

            Front Sight - Advanced Tactical Handgun

            Front Sight- Defensive Shotgun,

            Front Sight - Advanced Tactical Shotgun

            Armor Holdings- Ballistic Shield

            San Bernardino Sheriffs Dept. - Protection Specialist I

            San Bernardino Sheriffs Dept. - High Risk Prisoner Transport

            San Bernardino Sheriffs Dept. – Instructor Development

            Controlled Force – Defensive Tactics/handcuffing

Controlled Force - Survival Force

Controlled Force – Baton Force

            Taser Intl. – Taser

            Jaycor - Pepper Ball

            San Bernardino Sheriffs Dept. - Legal Intervention (Spike Strip, PIT)

            Advanced Instructor Development

            Ca. POST Reserve Levels 832, III, II

            CCW California



            Governors Award - State of California Gov. Grey Davis

            Commanders Award - San Bernardino Sheriffs Department

            Commendation - U.S. Marshals Office

            Commendation - United States Marine Corps




Other Experience

            Over the past 6 years I have instructed over 40,000 people from over 100 Law Enforcement Agencies from across the nation. I have helped develop programs for U.S. Marshals, San Bernardino Sheriffs Department, Los Angeles Police Department, Front Sight Firearms Training Institute, Security Officers Training Academy, San Manuel Tribal Police, as well as the U.S.M.C.







